How to Wash Lettuce and Keep It Crispy

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As consumers become more concerned about sustainability, they are considering more local or seasonal fresh produce when choosing products, which further promotes the continuous development of the food processing field. Lettuce is an important part of today’s highly regarded light salads. The texture of lettuce is crisp and tender, the taste is fresh and fragrant, and the requirements for freshness are relatively high. It is a good choice to build a small-scale lettuce processing plant.

Firslt,Advantages of small-scale processing of lettuce
Today, lettuce is compressed into a few hours from harvest to table. Small-scale lettuce processing can avoid the backlog of raw materials in the lettuce harvesting process, improve the efficiency of the production line processing process, and realize the good operation of the supply chain. The planting and harvesting of lettuce is not limited by the season, and the supply of raw materials makes the efficiency of small-scale processing of lettuce meet expectations.

Second,What to do with prewashed lettuce
In the process of planting lettuce, fertilizers and bacteria are easily attached to the surface of lettuce. When handling prewashed lettuce, do not remove the stems. In addition, the traditional immersion cleaning method can cause the accumulation of harmful substances. The lettuce cleaning equipment simulates manual washing to ensure the safety of lettuce consumption, while improving the cleanliness of the lettuce without causing damage to the leaves.

Three, lettuce processing steps

In the small-scale lettuce processing production line, the processing of lettuce mainly includes sorting, cleaning, air-drying, packaging, etc.

  1. Sort out and pick. On the belt conveyor, the yellow leaves and inedible parts are removed manually.
  2. Wash the lettuce. The use of bubble cleaning machine can save water, improve work efficiency and save labor costs while ensuring cleaning effect and quality.
  3. Let the lettuce air dry. Washed lettuce, if the surface moisture is not removed in time, the shelf life will be greatly shortened. You can shake off most of the water on the surface of the lettuce by shaking the drainer; the air knife air dryer can dry the water in the folds of the lettuce from multiple angles.
  4. Lettuce wrap. The packaged lettuce can avoid secondary pollution and is conducive to logistics transportation.

For lettuce processing plants of different scales, our company can provide professional services in the whole process from plant design to formal production, and provide a complete set of solutions for lettuce cleaning equipment and production lines. Welcome to contact our company at any time, and you can open your way to wealth.

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