Industrial Method Of Peeling Garlic

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Ever wonder where those mountains of peeled garlic in the grocery store come from? Because let’s face it, peeling garlic at home can be a tedious and tear-inducing chore. In the world of industrial food processing, there’s a faster, more efficient way to perfectly peel garlic cloves.

Unsurprisingly, the star of the show was the garlic peeling machine. There are two main types:

Air-assisted peeling: This method uses a jet of compressed air to remove the skin. The garlic is tumbled in a chamber, and the airflow is strategically positioned to loosen and separate the skin from the clove.

Silicone roller peeling: This method utilizes a soft silicone roller to gently rub the garlic bulb, mimicking the motion of peeling by hand. The friction loosens the skin, which is then removed with an airflow.

Both methods are designed to minimize damage to the delicate cloves.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the industrial method of peeling garlic process:

Sorting and shaping: The garlic bulbs are first sorted to remove any unwanted debris, then shaped for optimal peeling efficiency.

Separation: The machine can separate the garlic bulbs into individual cloves, or depending on the type of peeler, this can be done beforehand.
Peeling: The garlic cloves enter the peeling room, and here is where the magic happens! Compressed air or rollers separate the garlic skins.
Cleaning and Sorting: After peeling, the garlic cloves are washed to remove any remaining skin or debris. They may also be sorted again to remove any damaged garlic cloves.
Cooling and Packaging: The last step is to cool the peeled garlic cloves to the required temperature for storage and packaging.

Benefits of Industrial Peeling

Efficiency and Speed: The machine can peel a large amount of garlic in a fraction of the time required manually.
Consistency: The machine ensures uniform peeling with minimal damage to the garlic cloves.
Hygiene: The entire process is controlled and the risk of contamination is minimized.

The industrial method of peeling garlic is to use a garlic peeling production line that is fully automated from garlic peeling to packaging. And the output can be customized according to the needs of the processing. If you want to start a related business, you can always contact us.

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