Dates Fruits Manufacturing Process

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The date palm fruits manufacturing process mainly includes date palm cleaning, date palm air drying, date palm pitting, date palm grading, date palm date packaging and other date palm processing. These date palm processing equipment are well received by date palm processors in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other regions rich in date palms in the Middle East.

Date palm processors purchase large quantities of dates from date palm farmers or large-scale date palm farms. On the one hand, they will sell part of the dates as seasonal fruits; on the other hand, they will choose to further process these dates Make secondary sales. Generally, date palm processors will choose to clean, air-dry, grade, pit, pack and other basic dates for date palm processing. Currently, the market in the Middle East is also relatively broad. According to the needs of customers, we can provide various forms of date palm packaging. At present, the most popular basic packaging in the Middle East is vacuum packaging, or if customers want to take the high-end route, we can also provide various exquisite gift box packaging equipment.

Here is the dates fruits processing machine youtube video testing in our factory for your reference!!

Why are more and more customers in the Middle East choosing our date palm processing equipment? In addition to knowing that we are a professional manufacturer of fruit and vegetable cleaning equipment with more than ten years of industry experience and highly recognized our processing strength, and Recognition of the following professional competencies:

Date palm cleaning machine: In view of the fact that the skin of the date palm has folds of different depths, in order to ensure that the date palm can be cleaned thoroughly, we use a bubble cleaning machine and a brush cleaning machine for double cleaning of the date palm. In particular, the nylon filament on the hair roller of the brush cleaning machine can penetrate deep into the folds of the date palm skin, and through the rotation of the hair roller, the date palm 360 can be cleaned without dead ends.

Here is the dates fruit washing and polishing machine testing in our factory for your reference!!

Date palm drying machine: Air drying at room temperature can quickly remove the water droplets remaining on the surface of date palms after cleaning, which greatly improves the time and efficiency of date palm processors and shortens the processing time of date palms;

Date palm grading machine: The dried dates are of different sizes. It is not only time-consuming to hire workers to manually pick them with naked eyes, but also the sorting accuracy is not high. The date palm grading machine can quickly divide the dates into different sizes required by customers. It can help date palm processors pack dates of different sizes differently, better position the market, and obtain more profit margins.

Here is our UAE customer feedback of the dates fruits grading machine youtube video testing in our factory for your reference!!

Date palm pitting machine: In order to improve the taste of dates, the date palm pitting machine can also be used to depit the graded dates.

Here is the Pakistan customer’s dates fruit pitting machine testing in our factory for your reference!!

Date palm packaging machine: The date palm packaging machine is a crucial link in the entire date palm processing equipment. It directly determines the market positioning of the date palm processors for processing different dates, and the choice of different date palm packaging equipment directly determines Therefore, customers are advised to choose the corresponding date packaging machine according to their actual needs. We can configure the relevant equipment according to the needs of customers.

Dates Palm Fruits Packing Form

If you want to know more details about dates fruits processing? Feel free to leave a message with us online to get a free quote for dates processing equipment! !

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